We’re finally here! We’re in the future! Technically I guess it’s the present and crap now it’s the past. Anyways… with a new year ahead of us it’s time to do that goal setting we should have done back in October… If you have already done this then congrats just review it. For the rest of us I have a simple format I like to follow which I learned from a Keller Williams training. Not sure if it’s originally theirs or not but it works well. They also mention it in the book The One Thing which is an amazing read if you haven’t read it yet. This year I want to grow my business a lot! So this form works perfect to set us up for that.
The Form is called a 4-1-1 and basically it’s: 1 year – 1 month – 4 weeks. You are gonna write down you annual goal then break it up into monthly goals and then break those down into weekly goals, make sense? It’s not very complicated and it helps us keep focus. It’s best to do these once a week when you first get started. It will help you to see each week where you are coming up compared to your goals. Breaking them? Time to raise the goal! Missing them? Time to figure out why!
One of the toughest parts for me in real estate is the delays. I get a listing appointment take a listing and then…. it might sell immediately or it may sit a while? Then BAM! SOLD! Now just waiting for close and then that’s delayed and so on. Having this goal tracker helps me to stay on task and not focus on little things like 1 listing sitting an extra few days or a small delay because I’m already focused on my next listing and letting my systems handle those little hiccups. The thought of looking 90 days out to the paycheck I’ll get for todays work is tiring. I instead focus on tasks and the paychecks arrive when they arrive. This is where the 4-1-1 comes in because it’s a treasure map of when needs to be focused on when it needs to be focused on and so forth. If you have a plan you can set your hours to hit the plan. When you set your hours you get control back therefore plans=control. Here is a link to a 4-1-1 provided by The One Thing
If you’re like many people who aren’t interested in plans or goals or whatever they just wanna put their heads down and grind fine, you will go far. If you take the time to plan where you’re going before you put your head down, you will get where you want to go.